Dr Adrian Boyle Sunday 2nd of October (still Vice President of Policy)I travelled up to Birmingham for the Conservative Party Conference and attended a health event led by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. The event was in a small hot, noisy room overfull of people lobbying anyone in government, a good […]
EMJ interview with new RCEM President, Adrian Boyle
Adrian Boyle, EM Consultant in Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge, succeeded Katherine Hender-son as President of RCEM at the AGM held on 4 October 2022 during the Scientific Conference in Belfast.
The EMJ Supplement caught up with him last month to ask about his hopes and aspirations for the next three years. We also found out about rowing and Tilly the dog.
Reflections on a Presidency and playing Cassandra
This will be my last EMJ supplement as President. I have been reflecting on the three years and on the questions, I get asked regularly; have I enjoyed my time, and will I miss it? It is a huge honour to be elected President of your College and the role is unendingly interesting. I have had the opportunity to meeting a wide variety of people and have tried to influence for good. It will be up to others to decide how successful I (and my team) have been.
Health inequalities: what can we do in Emergency Medicine?
May 2021 – Many of you will have heard me say we are the safety net of the patient but cannot be the safety net of the system. There has been general agreement with this sentiment but what does it mean in the current environment peri-pandemic? How much of a safety net are we and where and how was the system failing such that we do clinical (and non-clinical) care that should be managed elsewhere?
Death of former RCEM President Cliff Mann
21 Februray 2021 – It is with deep sorrow that the Royal College of Emergency Medicine announces the death of its former President, Dr Clifford Mann OBE.
Emergency Medicine in a changing world
December 2020 – Will we have a safer more responsive emergency care system when we come out the other side of Covid? I have to believe we can, but it needs us to keep pushing. It is entirely possible that we will be in a third wave before the much-anticipated vaccine has any significant impact on our ability to deliver healthcare and as every week goes by the challenges for the health service increases.
One year on and the going is tough
November 2020 – The Royal College of Emergency Medicine is the professional voice of Emergency Medicine. As such our core role is in promoting and influencing the shape of the standards and systems that EM clinicians’ practice to and in. When you read this, I will have been President for a year.
One reason why Social Care is so important to emergency departments
August 2019 – The social care crisis continues placing burdens on hospitals and bringing distress to vulnerable patients. This is evident is a number of ways, one of which is that too many people with dementia are not receiving the support that is appropriate to their needs, they end up in very busy Accident and Emergency Departments.
Welcoming all new trainees to Emergency Medicine
August 2019 – In an open letter President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, Dr Taj Hassan, welcomes new trainees to the specialty.
Complexity, consensus and collaboration (and an exciting announcement)
April 2019 – April has brought Spring and the ‘winds of change’. It was a great pleasure to be able to announce last month that Dr Katherine Henderson will be the next RCEM President. I have known Katherine for well over 20 years and have absolutely no doubt that she will do an absolutely fantastic job for us when she starts in October.