Jan 2015 – A new year and an opportunity to reinvigorate our work at the College.
As I write this, in mid November, it is a challenge to put oneself in mind of 2015 albeit only 8 weeks hence.
President’s Blog January 2015
Jan 2015 – A new year and an opportunity to reinvigorate our work at the College.
As I write this, in mid November, it is a challenge to put oneself in mind of 2015 albeit only 8 weeks hence.
Dec 2014 – My second Christmas as President of the College – what will Santa bring? My list of CEM10 goodies will continue to dominate my expectations though, in a manner similar to my children with their Advent Calendars, the rate of progress can be frustrating.
Nov 2014 – I hope this epistle finds you well. As I write on the Monday afternoon after the busiest weekend my department has ever had, I confess to being a little war-torn. An almost 20% rise in attendances with an even greater rise in the proportion conveyed by ambulance is an exhausting experience for my ED team, and I know that these circumstances are being replicated up and down the length of
the UK and Ireland.
Oct 2014 – October and the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness! We are approaching the first anniversary of the launch of the ‘College 10 priorities campaign’ and we can celebrate a major achievement – namely a substantial increase in the numbers of doctors recruited to both CT1 and CT3 posts via the HEE funded expansion in ACCS EM posts and the GMC recognition of transferable competencies through the newly established DREEM schemes.
Sept 2014 – September – children back to school and for those of us juggling family and work life, the sense of a ‘return to normal’.
August 2014 – August! And with it a new cadre of doctors, an increase in barbecue related burns and dare I hope; a Test match win for England?
July 2014 – With Summer in full swing (hopefully) I trust most of you will be looking forward to some well earnt holidays with family or friends.
June 2014 – Those readers who regularly following my musings in this column will be surprised to learn that out of apparent randomness occasional linkages and connections may appear. Thus it is, that as I report a very successful CPD conference in Cardiff these same readers will react with some surprise to the news that I met the partner of the Twitter follower with a predilection for Victorian sewers and mankinis!
May 2014 – Another busy month for the College and more encouraging signs of progress in delivering the #CEM10 agenda.
April 2014 – Easter is upon us, and as I write this newsletter from the archipelago of small hills surrounded by water that was once the county of Somerset I can only hope that it has stopped raining. My regular train journeys to London now begin with an impressive ride across the Levels with flood waters stretching as far as the eye can see. Perhaps an excuse to visit the Boat Show with a view to purchasing a ‘Presidential Launch’!